error marking

Systems for error marking and quality assurance typically mark good parts or bad parts via a colored dot. Here, the marking is triggered by a signal after a test process. The error marking can be done contactless by spray method or with a stamp as contact marking.

What are the advantages of error marking?

Systems for defect marking are designed to be particularly process-safe. It must be ensured at all times that the desired marking is applied.

How does error marking work?

The Elried Sprayjet uses high pressure to spray a dot of color onto the part to be marked. Depending on the nozzle and setting, this is variable in size. The systems of the Sprinter series stamp the ink dot by means of a pressure cylinder. This enables particularly precise and small color dots.

Error marking devices

Process-safe marking with the Elried Sprayjet and Sprinter Marking systems

Consumables for error marking devices

Original Elried and Sprinter inks and consumables for error marking.


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