Our solutions for ensuring traceability in industrial labeling
Establish clear traceability (traceability)
There are legal requirements for the traceability of products in many industries. They apply above all where the health and safety of consumers may be particularly endangered by substandard products. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, the cosmetics industry, in the production of medical technology, at automotive manufacturers and suppliers, and of course in food and beverage production. When products need to be recalled, manufacturers can remove them from circulation quickly and in a targeted manner if traceability has been consistently applied. This means that products are marked with a unique code for each direction (downstream tracing – from producer to consumer and upstream tracing – from consumer to producer).
Labeling as an interface between the analog and digital worlds
The applied one-to-one product code may only be printed once and usually corresponds to a serial number, which may be applied consecutively or chaotically. This process is therefore often called serialization. Here, the coding systems must be able to communicate with upstream and downstream systems in order to process the coded data. Here, labeling is the interface between the analog and digital worlds, as it makes products digitally traceable.